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2005 Family Portrait 1st Row: Dane, Gabrielle, Savannah, Scotty, _ , Brook, Shannon, Hannah, and Alexandria 2nd Row: Tom, Bridget, Bethany, Maria, Kaye, Richard, Rebecca, Samuel, James David Sprinkle (deceased), Rachel, Sarah Kessler Sprinkle, Anna, Beth, Terri, and Dan 3rd Row: Joel, Paul, Paula, Jon, Mike, Jordan, James, Sam, Tammy, and JT
Erin If you have any information that you would like to share on this website...please email:
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Wikitree - Sprenckel Family Tree
Check these out:
Mom's Homemade Ice Cream Recipe
Joel, Sam, and Tom
Baby: Joel 1st Row: James, Mom, Jon 2nd Row: Ben, Paul, Becky, Dan
David Sprinkle's Children Say this real fast: "James, Jon, Paul, Dan, Ben, Becky, Joel, Sam, Tom, Heather, Stephanie, & Erin" (12 total)
Tom Sprinkle's